W20-MAHE Women Vice Chancellors and Leaders’ Conclave is being held in Bengaluru by MAHE

The Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE) will organise the “W20-MAHE Women Vice Chancellors’ and Leaders’ Conclave”. The major goal of W20, the official G20 engagement group for gender equity, is to make sure that gender issues are taken into account during G20 negotiations. Over 40 women leaders from different regions of India will attend the event to promote equality for everyone who lives on the periphery of development.

The discussions will focus on five themes related to women in higher education, labour force participation, skill development, care work and leadership, with the Chair and Chief Coordinator of W20 expected to participate.

On 26 May, Lt. Gen. Dr. M D Venkatesh and Dr Sandya Purecha will deliver the welcome address at MAHE campus in Bengaluru. The rest of the day will be filled with sessions on Empowering Women Through Policy Interventions, Unveiling WHEEL, Digital Transformation and Role of Educational Institutions, and Gender Justice and Higher Education.

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