Tree plantation campaign in Surya Sen Park by Nisartha Seva Manch and SMC in Siliguri

Siliguri, July 29: In a commendable initiative led by Nisvartha Seva Manch and with the support of Siliguri Municipal Corporation (SMC), 50 fruit saplings were planted at Surya Sen Park on Monday.
The initiative aims to enhance the greenery of Surya Sen Park in Siliguri. As a result, trees were planted to help maintain balance in the environment. The plants will grow and produce fruit that will nourish local wildlife, including birds and other animals.
Siliguri Mayor Gautam Deb, Deputy Mayor Ranjan Sarkar and members of Nisvarth Seva Manch were present in this program. Mayor Gautam Deb emphasized that the Selfless Service Forum is continuously working towards environmental protection. He encouraged everyone to participate in efforts to beautify the city.