Tata AIA Life Insurance, a leading life insurance company in India, unveiled a digital campaign for Father’s Day, titled “Jaadui Pocket Ka Secret.” The campaign aims to reveal the secret of fathers’ ability to make their children’s dreams come true, highlighting the importance of protecting and providing for their children.
The campaign film highlights the significance of financial provision as a responsible provider for family members. The story follows a son who sees his father fulfilling his dreams through his magical pocket, such as a cycle or dream holidays. As a father, the father reveals the true secret of his magical pocket, or Jaadui pocket. The film, produced by Forrest Films, stars Rajat Kapoor as the father. Commenting on the film, Girish Kalra, Chief Marketing Officer, Tata AIA Life Insurance, said, “Our Guaranteed Income plan is the right way fathers can plan for fulfilling the aspirations of their children through prudent financial planning”.
The concept of ‘The Magical Pocket’ is used to emphasize the magic of fathers keeping money in their shirt pockets. The film concludes with Tata AIA’s Fortune Guarantee Plus Savings Plan, offering Guaranteed Regular Income throughout the policy period.