Sony AATH’s new family animation show ‘Kolpopurer Golpo

Kolpopurer Golpo, a family animation program by Sony AATH, follows the story of Kanai, a diligent farmer and fervent follower of Maa Kali. It depicts the culture, feelings, and daily life of a common guy in Kolpopur, a tiny hamlet in Bengal in the late 17th century.

Kanai is frequently harassed by Zamindar Dwarpanarayan, yet overcomes these difficulties with faith and honesty. The show depicts the struggles and tribulations endured by the peasant class as a result of the Zamindari system.Sony AATH is promoting the show Kolpopurer Golpo with a digital campaign on its social media pages.

Watch the premiere of Kolpopurer Golpo in Sony AATH on May 28 at 12:30 PM. Tushar Shah, ‘Chief Marketing Officer & Business Head – English Cluster & Sony AAT, Sony Pictures India said, “Our new show Kolpopurer Golpo is woven around the class struggle prevalent in the pre-independence era. We are sure that the virtuous protagonist prevailing over everyday hardships will strike an emotional chord with our audiences.”

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