SJDA President examines documents related to license cases in Vidhan Market


Vidhan Market of Siliguri is under the jurisdiction of the Siliguri Jalpaiguri Development Board. Many traders still have their licenses under trial. A hearing was held on Wednesday regarding the license case of some such businessmen. After listening to the traders, SJDA President Saurabh Chakraborty examined the documents.


Siliguri Jalpaiguri Development Authority issued shop licenses to traders in Vidhan Market. It may be known that the licenses of 18 traders are still pending. In these, a hearing was held on the licenses of three traders at the Siliguri Jalpaiguri Development Board office in Siliguri. Saurabh Chakraborty, President of SJDA, CEO of SJDA, and other members of the board were present in this hearing. It is known that many shops were damaged by the fire, this time one shop has many claimants, and there were many reasons. Keeping all these things in mind, the licenses of these selected traders are kept pending.

Silgarhi Vidhan Bazar is under the jurisdiction of the Silgarhi Jalpaiguri Development Board. Many merchants still have their licenses on trial. Similarly, a hearing was held on Wednesday regarding the license issue of some businessmen. After listening to the businessmen, SJDA President Saurabh Chakraborty checked the documents.

 Silgadi Jalpaiguri Development Authority issued a license to traders of Vidhan Bazar. 18 traders whose license is pending have been extinguished. In that, there was a hearing on the license of three traders in the office of Siliguri Jalpaiguri Development Board. Yes Sunuwayma SJDA President Saurabh Chakraborty, CEO SJDA, and other board members were present.

Many ribs were damaged by the fire, but one rib has many claims, the reasons are many. Keeping all these things in mind, the licenses of the selected traders have been kept pending.


SSB jawans stopped the smuggling of cows at Lalji Farm of Moniram Gram Panchayat on the Indo-Nepal border of Naxalbari, Siliguri subdivision. Smugglers fled to Nepal after seeing SSB. SSB has recovered 7 cows in the incident. Later the rescued cow was handed over to Naxalbari police by SSB. The police are probing the entire incident. The rescued cows have been sent to Naxalbari Khodar. A total of 145 buffaloes have been seized by the police in Bagdogra and Vidhannagar in the last few days.

Cow smuggling has been stopped by SSB jawans at Lalji Farm, Moniram Village Panchayat, situated on the Indo-Nepal border, at Silgarhi sub-division, at Naxalbari. Smugglers fled to Nepal after seeing SSB. SSB has recovered 7 cows in the incident. Gailai was rescued after the SSB was extinguished by the Naxalite police. The police are probing the entire incident. The rescued cows have been sent to Naxalbari Khodar. In Bagdogra and Vidhanagrama, in the last few days, the police have taken 145 buffaloes under their control.



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