Shriram Super 4466 paddy seeds revolutionizes farming in West Bengal

In the lush fields of West Bengal, a green revolution is quietly unfolding with the introduction of Shriram Super 4466 paddy seeds by Shriram Farm Solutions, a division of DCM Shriram Limited. These seeds, meticulously developed through modern research, are proving to be a game-changer for farmers grappling with unpredictable climates.

Renowned for its sturdy stem, elongated grain spikes, and exceptional disease resistance, Shriram Super 4466 is not just boosting yields but also conserving precious water resources. Nurjaman Mandal, a progressive farmer from Murshidabad, attests, “The grains are robust and the yield is impressive. This variety requires less water and stands strong against diseases.”Zakir Hussain, another farmer from North Dinajpur, echoes Mandal’s sentiment, noting, “I’ve seen significant improvements in yield and resilience since switching to Shriram Super 4466.”

Beyond West Bengal, Shriram Farm Solutions’ commitment to agricultural innovation extends across states like Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, and Uttar Pradesh, where products like Shriram Super 7711, 505, and 4433 are also making waves.With a legacy spanning 134 years and a turnover of ₹11,431 crores, DCM Shriram Limited continues to lead the charge in sustainable agri-solutions, empowering farmers nationwide with cutting-edge technologies and superior crop varieties.