Road accident in Kharibari

On 22nd November a road accident occurred where a woman lost her life after being hit by a bike. With it four other individuals including the bike rider have been seriously injured in the incident which occurred on the National Highway (NH) 327 adjacent to the PWD More in Kharibari. The person who died is identified as Latika Roy a resident of North Dinajpur district. As per the reports Latika and her husband Amresh Das were crossing the road on Tuesday evening when three youths on a two wheeler coming Kharibari from Naxalbari lost control and strike into the couple at PWD More. When the locals see the incident they started rescuing and sent the injured to Kharibari Hospital. After that all injured were sent to NorthBengal Medical College and Hospital(NBMCH) for further treatment. After this incident Kharibari police station and Kharibari traffic police went to the spot and right now they are busy in a detailed investigation of the incident.

Today road safety is very important as many accidents are occurring every day. People should take this incident very strictly and follow traffic rule. Traffic police should also became active by seeing this type of incident and take strict action who do not follow traffic rules. Road is actually very important infrastructure of any place and people should use it properly so that everyone get benefit from it.

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