Recently two arrested on charges of e-rickshaw theft in Siliguri

Recently an e-rickshaw (toto) stolen from an area under the Bhaktinagar police station has been recovered by the cops of Pradhan Nagar police station. In addition two thieves identified as Sanjib Das (36) and Kartik Das (30) have been arrested on charges of theft. Sanjib is stated to be a resident of Samar Nagar while Kartik is from Battala. According to police sources, an e-rickshaw was stolen from Prakash Nagar area under the Bhaktinagar police station on the night of April 8. The following day, a written complaint was lodged at the Bhaktinagar police station and an investigation was initiated. Meanwhile, the cops of Pradhan Nagar police station recovered the e-rickshaw from Pokai Jote area and arrested the two thieves.

Sources revealed that on Tuesday night, Sanjib and Kartik were on their way to Pokai Jote to sell the stolen e-vehicle. Acting on the tip-off, the Pradhan Nagar police arrested both the accused and took the toto into custody. On Wednesday, the police presented both the accused before the Siliguri court, while further investigation is currently underway.

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