Recently Rajganj BDO Prashant Barman visited the Gram Panchayat office and two schools in Rajganj for surprise inspections

Recently Rajganj BDO Prashant Barman visited the Gram Panchayat office and two schools in Rajganj for surprise inspections and expressed disappointment over several teachers not being present on time. Additionally, the school uniforms at one primary school were actually seen scattered on the floor, prompting Barman to express dissatisfaction. In fact reports indicate that at 10:00 AM on Tuesday, the BDO arrived at the Panchayat office and found that the officials and staff were present. He then actually examined the operations of the Gram Panchayat and inquired about public services. Later at 10:45 AM, Prashant Barman arrived at a high school where he participated in the prayer session with the students. However, he actually expressed discontent as several teachers were absent. After this he then proceeded to Jotiakali Primary School where he noted disorder in the structure and teaching methods, especially the unkempt uniforms of the students.

In this regard, BDO Prashant Barman stated that he had actually visited the Panchayat office and was contended to discover that the office was functioning properly. However, at the high school he realized that the teachers were not present on time and several others were absent. He further mentioned informing the district administrator regarding the matter. Furthermore, at Jotiakali Primary School, uniforms allocated to students were actually lying scattered and undistributed. As a result, the BDO demanded a formal apology in regard to the disfunction.