Recently a Bhutanese national arrested with narcotic tablets and banned cough syrup in Alipurduar

On Monday, a Bhutanese national was actually apprehended by the officials of the Jaigaon police station on charges of possession of narcotic tablets and banned cough syrup. Actually the accused arrested has been identified as Tshering Norbu (37), a Bhutan citizen residing in a rented accommodation in the Triveni toll area of Jaigaon. Reportedly, the individual was actually arrested following a raid at the Jaigaon Triveni toll area on Sunday night, initiated based on a tip-off. Upon searching the suspect, the officials found and seized 1,872 intoxicating tablets along with 42 bottles of banned cough syrup.

The accused individual was presented before the Alipurduar court on Monday for legal proceedings. At present, the Jaigaon police station is actively investigating the entire incident. This is actually very sad incident and people should take it very strictly as this type of activity affect the youth very much. In fact people should take these things very seriously and inform about it if they find anything suspicious.