Pumpkin seed oil will restore skin and hair, make it at home

As delicious as sweet pumpkin is, its seeds are just as beneficial. We usually discard the seeds when harvesting pumpkins. But this seed oil is very good for skin and hair health. It is rich in vitamin E, C, zinc, selenium, and fatty acids, which keep the skin fresh. Does not allow the impression of premature aging. Although pumpkin seed oil is available in foreign countries, it is not readily available in this country, dermatologists say. But if you want, it can be made at home. Before that, it is better to know from the dermatologist whether to use pumpkin seed oil or not. Find out how.

How to make pumpkin seed oil?
For the skin: scoop out the seeds while cutting the pumpkin. The seeds should be dried without washing. But don’t forget to keep it in the sun. Once the seeds are dry, another oil should be mixed with them. Take the olive oil in another bowl and drop the seeds in it. Olive oil should be taken according to the amount of seeds. This time, reduce the flame and keep it burning. Cover with a lid and cook on low heat. When the oil boils, strain it.

How to apply on the face?
Pumpkin seed oil can be used as a moisturizer. It is beneficial for any skin type. Mix half a cup of pumpkin seed oil with half a cup of rose water before applying it to your face. This time, add glycerine to it. Only pure glycerin should be mixed. Pour this mixture into the vial. Applying it to the skin every night before going to sleep will remove all blemishes. The skin will return. The skin will be soft and plump.

You can also add pumpkin seed oil to a mixture of ripe bananas and honey and apply it to your face. It will remove the sunburn.

For hair: You can also make pumpkin seed oil for hair in the same way. But in that case, the seeds should be boiled in sesame oil instead of olive. The procedure is the same. You can keep this oil in a glass jar for a long time. If you apply it to your head every day, the problem of hair falling will be removed. There will be no problem with dandruff.