President Droupadi Murmu arrived in Suriname

On Sunday, Droupadi Murmu traveled to Suriname to mark the 150th anniversary of Indian immigration. She met with her counterpart Chandrikapersad Santokhi at the delegation level on her first State visit since entering office last year. Both Presidents had conversations on defence, agriculture, information technology, and capacity building as well as strategies to strengthen ties between India and Suriname. In four different domains, including agriculture and health, India and Suriname exchanged memorandums of understanding.

Apart from the usual bilateral meetings President Murmu met with a group of children in Suriname to greet her, offering them Made in India chocolates. They thanked her for the gift, which was appreciated by the children. Despite her busy schedule, President Murmu also had time to interact with the common people in Suriname.

President Murmu is scheduled to interact with the Indian diaspora in Suriname before leaving for Serbia, where she will meet President Vui, Prime Minister Ana Brnabi and Speaker of the National Assembly, Vladimir Orlic, and a 20-member business delegation.

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