NSE-SSE accelerates social mobility with first 5 listings

The National Stock Exchange (NSE) has ignited the engines of social mobility with the listing of the first five Non-Profit Organizations (NPOs) on its forward-thinking Social Stock Exchange (SSE) platform. Swami Vivekananda Youth Movement (SVYM), Transform Rural India, Mukti, Ekalavya Foundation, and SGBS Unnati Foundation are leading the charge towards a future where social impact drives progress.

The SSE platform, akin to a futuristic mobility system, propels organizations towards their social goals with unmatched efficiency and speed. The bell ringing ceremony at the NSE headquarters in Mumbai signals not just the commencement of listings but also the acceleration towards a more inclusive and equitable society.

With approximately INR 8 Crore mobilized through these inaugural listings, the SSE platform is fueling the engines of change, enabling organizations to navigate towards brighter futures for communities across India.Notable among the attendees was the presence of Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman, Hon’ble Minister of Finance and Corporate Affairs, Government of India, who commended the NSE’s initiative in fostering impactful finance mechanisms for social welfare.

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