Nova IVF Fertility specialists in Siliguri report a significant increase in infertility

Fertility specialists at Nova IVF Fertility in Siliguri have observed a significant increase in infertility among couples, with at least 5 out of 10 couples battling male infertility. The clinic has seen a 10% increase in the last six months among Sikkimese couples. The majority of couples are dealing with male infertility issues, particularly polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)-related issues.

The National Family Health Survey-5 data shows Sikkim has the lowest total fertility rate in the country, and doctors have noticed a rising infertility trend in Gangtok due to factors like late marriage, male and female infertility, and lack of awareness to seek timely medical help. The average age for marriage in Sikkim is 35 to 40 years, and over 10% of patients visiting the Siliguri Nova IVF Fertility Centre are from Sikkim. Today, 5 out of 10 couples are dealing with either male or female infertility.

Sharing insights on male infertility, Dr.Satabdi Dey, Fertility Consultant at Nova IVF Fertility East, Siliguri, said, “Often there is an assumption that infertility is a woman’s disease, men too face infertility issues equally. Men and women must come forth for timely fertility tests if they are planning to have a baby.”

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