No proposal to change retirement age of Central employees: Govt in Lok Sabha

The Union govt. on Wednesday briefed Parliament about the new establishments in the retirement criteria of the union govt. employees. The govt. told that there is no such proposal under consideration in the parliament.

The govt. was questioned by a member Sarmistha Sethi whether there is any plan to bring changes in the retirement age of the central govt. employees and if so, then please provide the details.

They were also asked about the data of govt. employees who were granted compulsory retirement under Rule 56(j) during the previous 3 years and the current year.

Union Minister of State for personnel Jitendra Singh provided statistics to the Lower House(Lok Sabha) in a written reply that 122 officers have been granted compulsory retirement under Rule 56(j) during the last three years (2020-2023), including the current year.

“The objective of the review process under the FR 56(j)/similar provisions is to bring efficiency and to strengthen the administrative machinery. Government has also been continuously endeavouring for greater emphasis on digitization, enhanced use of e-office, simplification of rules, periodic cadre restructuring and abolition of redundant laws for strengthening the administration and improving the overall work efficiency in governance,” Jitendra Singh said in the reply. (ANI)

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