Locals demanding road reform at Baribasha VIP road

The Baribasha VIP Road is once again in news for its dilapidated condition. Locals staged a road blockade on the road in Dabgram-II adjacent to Siliguri urging immediate repair work. After this incident NJP police were informed. The police rushed to the scene and lifted blockade after two hours. The police managed the situation and give assurance to the local people. On the other hand SJDA Chairman Sourav Chakraborty did not respond to the issue even after being informed.

Actually the road is in very bad condition for long time and the concerning authority is not doing anything even after being informed. For the local people it is very bad thing as they have to face problem in every way. Due to this bad condition of road the main problem which came is the transportation as it become very difficult. Although this type of action is not right as it will create problem to the people but there point is also right. Road is very important for any place and it should be maintained properly so that no problem arises.

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