ITC Sunrise Pure boosts entrepreneurial ecosystem in Assam with ‘Agragamini’ campaign

ITC Sunrise Pure, the dynamic subsidiary of ITC Ltd., announces the launch of the ‘Agragamini’ campaign, a strategic collaboration with Assam Startup and AIIDC to fortify the entrepreneurial landscape in Assam. This business-focused report delves into the campaign’s significance, positioning it as a catalyst for economic growth in the region.

The event, graced by Sri Bimal Borah, Hon’ble Minister of Industries, Commerce & PE Department, Government of Assam, witnessed the unveiling of a ten-part video series. The series meticulously profiles women entrepreneurs who have not only achieved prominence but have also made substantial contributions to employment and economic development in Assam.

Mr. Piyush Mishra, Business Head of Sunrise Pure Spices, expressed the brand’s commitment to fostering entrepreneurship. In parallel to recognizing established businesses, ITC Sunrise Pure is facilitating a startup contest, injecting financial stimulus by offering up to 1 lakh in cash prizes, coupled with support from Assam Start-Up Cell for the top three winners.

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