In road accidents on the NH in Kharibari’s Batasi three lorries damaged

Kharibari, 25th December: Recently an incident of mishap surfaced from the National Highway (NH) of Batasi in Kharibari where three lorries laden with bamboo, and stones got damaged in an accident. As per reports, on Monday morning, a stones-laden lorry applied the brakes and halted on the road. As a result of this, a bamboo-laden lorry coming from behind rammed into the stone-laden truck. Consequently, the truck transporting bamboo was damaged and the driver was trapped inside the vehicle. However, he was rescued later. In another incident, a bamboo laden lorry abruptly lost control and crashed into a roadside shop and the driver sustained minor injuries. Upon receiving the news, the cops of Kharibari police station arrived at the spot, recovered the vehicles, and started an investigation.

Today road accident is becoming very common and for this reason people need to be very careful. The first thing which is required is to follow traffic rules so that chances of road accident get decreased. Actually today road is very important infrastructure of any place and everything of that place depends on it. It actually becomes our duty to use the road properly so that people feel safe while using it. We should change our mentality and make a pledge to reduce road accident.   

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