Healthy Summer Snacks for Kids: 6 Fun and Nutritious Options

Heat waves are becoming more frequent and intense, posing risks for individuals living with diabetes. To protect their health, people with diabetes need to stay alert, monitor their glucose levels, and use CGM devices like FreeStyle Libre. To stay in the optimal glucose range, they should keep an eye on their readings and try to stay in the optimal range for 17 out of 24 hours each day. Dr M K Mukhopadhyay, Endocrinologist, Diabetic Care Specialist, AMRI Hospitals, Kolkata said, “To achieve the right balance when it comes to maintaining blood sugar levels, a few measures should be kept in mind, including continuous glucose monitoring (CGM), so that a disruption in routine does not cause a disruption to diabetes management.”

Heres 5 steps to enjoy summer while keeping diabetes in check.

1.            Drink Plenty of Fluids: Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water, fruit juices, and caffeine-free beverages to avoid dehydration caused by travel and outdoor activities.

2.            Stay away from the scorching sunlight: People with diabetes should be aware of the signs of heat exhaustion, such as dizziness, sweating, muscle cramps, fainting, headaches, an increased heartbeat, and nausea, and move to a cooler location and hydrate if they experience them.

3.            Plan your exercise smartly: Exercise is essential for managing diabetes, but it should be done indoors or at home when temperatures are higher. Try to work out early in the morning or late in the evening.

4.            Eat right: People with diabetes must take extra care to maintain a balanced, healthy diet while on vacation to avoid giving into temptations that can disrupt their glucose levels.

5.            Consulting your doctor and creating a holistic diabetes management, you can aim to be in the target glucose range for at least 70% of the day – even in the summer months.

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