HAL Football Club is set to organize football trials

HAL Football Club, powered by enJogo, will hold team selection tryouts at the APRO Training Ground in Guwahati on May 27, 2023. To build a successful team, HAL FC seeks excellent football players in Guwahati. Based on the popularity of football, the Technical Club has narrowed down a few Indian locations where trials will be held in order to find the best players for the HAL FC club.

Players that have competed in State Super Division League or higher, junior or senior nations camps, or 2nd Division I- League/I- League/ISL are given priority. The one-year contract, monthly pay (20,000 to 35,000), train fare, free lodging, medical insurance, and several other benefits and incentives are available to the chosen athletes.

 Players born between January 1st, 2000, and December 31st, 2006, are eligible to take part in the trials. Reporting time for the trials is 8:00 AM IST. Players are required to carry their kits and a legitimate government ID. Download the Enjogo app, register online for the Guwahati trials, or have your questions answered by calling +91 9448613682 or 9620979696.

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