GSK’s collaborates with Amitabh Bachchan for campaign raising awareness for shingles

Actor Amitabh Bachchan and pharmaceutical company GSK have partnered to raise awareness of the painful condition known as shingles, which affects one in three people over the age of 50. The virus that causes chickenpox also causes shingles. The virus remains dormant in the body even after a person heals; when the body’s defences degrade, it reactivates and spreads. 90% of Indians are prone to shingles by the age of 50.

The campaign video vividly depicts the excruciating pain of shingles and its crippling effects on those who experience them. It conveys the crucial message that older folks can be protected from this discomfort through vaccination. Lowe Lintas’ film captures the intensity of shingles pain through powerful metaphors and images based on patient testimonies.

Dr Rashmi Hegde, Medical Director, GSK, said, “Today, India’s ageing population is rising, and we need to make them aware of diseases such as shingles which can impact their quality of life.”Commenting on the creative insight for the film, Sagar Kapoor, Chief Creative Officer (Global Brands), Lowe Lintas said, “Our challenge was to find a way to ‘show’ the unbearable pain of shingles, a sensation that can only be ‘felt’. ”

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