Glenmark Pharma’s nationwide campaign raises hypertension awareness for 6 million Indians

In May, Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Limited (Glenmark) spearheaded a significant public health initiative, marking ‘Hypertension Awareness Month’ by collaborating with over 1,000 healthcare professionals (HCPs) across 250+ cities and towns in India. This campaign featured more than 400 public awareness rallies and blood pressure screening camps, successfully reaching 6 million adults.Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a critical health issue affecting 35.5% of Indian adults. It significantly increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases (CVD), which are responsible for nearly one-fourth of all deaths in India. Recognizing this, Glenmark’s initiative aimed to educate the public about the signs, symptoms, and preventive measures of hypertension.

The rallies included detailed sessions by HCPs, who shared essential insights into managing and preventing hypertension. Following these sessions, blood pressure screening camps provided participants with the opportunity to monitor their blood pressure levels, a crucial step in early detection and management. Mr. Alok Malik, President & Head of India Formulations at Glenmark, emphasized, “We aim to empower individuals to take charge of their health by detecting hypertension early. Elevated blood pressure poses future cardiovascular risks, and through our initiatives, we can significantly improve health outcomes.”

Glenmark’s campaign also included the #TakeChargeAt18 initiative and the introduction of the world’s first-ever hypertension awareness symbol, “The BP logo,” in collaboration with the Hypertension Society of India (HSI) and the Association of Physicians of India (API).India aims to reduce hypertension prevalence by 25% by 2025. Glenmark’s comprehensive awareness campaign is a pivotal step towards achieving this goal, highlighting the importance of early detection and proactive health management.