On 23rd November the forest personnel of the Ambari Range foiled timber smuggling and seized wood logs worth around Rs 3 lakhs cleverly hidden among paddy husk sacks and arrested one involved in the illegal activity. This incident occurred in the Fulbari More area of the Siliguri Jalpaiguri National Highway. Later it was revealed that the wood was being transported from Siliguri to Bihar via Bidhannagar for its clandestine disposal. Actually this incident is very sad and it is good that they are caught by the police. People should discourage this type of activity as it is very bad for them in many ways.
Today illegal activity around Siliguri is increasing and it is very serious concern as it harms everyone. Police need to be very strict so that they caught all people involved in it and stop this activity. Actually this activity also harms our nature as these woods are cut by forest and as we know how much importance trees have in our life and nature. People should not support any crime as it will harm us ultimately.