Flipkart achieved a milestone of having over 1.4 million sellers

Ahead of the 10th edition of The Big Billion Days, its annual flagship event, Flipkart has achieved a significant milestone of over 1.4 Million sellers on its platform. Flipkart, including Shopsy, has seen a 27% increase in sellers since last year, indicating a growing ecosystem of sellers and MSMEs in India. This growth is a testament to the trust Indian MSMEs and small businesses have in Flipkart and Shopsy, as trusted partners for e-commerce.

Flipkart has introduced industry-first marketplace policy changes and new capabilities to build a more inclusive e-commerce ecosystem. New sellers from India, including Tier-2 and Tier-3 cities, have joined the platform, primarily contributing to lifestyle, BGM, and home categories. Flipkart has introduced AI Powered Cataloging, an automated solution that converts product images to Flipkart-standard quality on the go. This eliminates the need for expensive model-shooting for sellers, allowing them to avail AI-powered services as per their requirements. These technology interventions not only boost sellers’ sales and growth but also ensure a seamless shopping experience for customers.

Commenting on the milestone, Rakesh Krishnan, Vice President and Head – Marketplace, Flipkart, said, “Building on Flipkart’s commitment to supporting and empowering sellers, we recently concluded a series of pan India Seller Conclaves, which witnessed participation from over 4,500 seller entrepreneurs.”

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