Bhutanese oranges are being sold at inflated prices resulting in fewer buyers

Bhutanese oranges have started appearing with the onset of winter in various markets of the Dooars area, including Jaigaon, a town bordering Bhutan. However, due to low production this year, Bhutanese oranges are being sold at inflated prices, resulting in fewer buyers. Reportedly, every year a crowd of buyers flock to the said market to buy oranges which is very good in quality. In fact similar to previous years, a long queue of shops selling Bhutanese oranges has been set up along the roads in the border town of Jaigaon. However, the buyers remained off the market.

In this regard, the businessmen stated that in the current year, orange production has been comparatively less than in previous years. Consequently, the price of oranges is almost double than usual, this year. They added that actually due to the price rise, there is a drastic drop in the number of buyers. In reality this in turn resulted in a situation of panic among the traders regarding the output of their business.

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